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Why You Should Ditch The Oat Milk in Your ☕️ + What To Do Instead⁣

The so-called “health” community loves to preach oat milk as the hot new thing in non-dairy milks, but it’s actually trash.⁣

Here’s 2 major reasons why:⁣


Oat milk isn’t just water + oats. Manufacturers use additives like emiulsifiers + seed oils in order to keep the texture smooth. Oats also contain very high levels of glyphosate (the most widely used herbacide in the U.S.) which can lead to all kinds of issues ranging from inflammation to cancer.⁣


This glorified carb juice doesn’t contain much protein, fat or fiber, leaving you ingesting mostly just carbohydrates, added sugars + caffeine - a recipe for disaster when it comes to blood sugar balance. The highs + lows that follow will lead to energy dysregulation and ultimately have a negative impact on your mood, dietary choices and hormone balance.⁣

So what can you do instead?⁣

Let’s talk good, better + best options:⁣


🥥 Coconut Milk - This non-dairy milk offers the benefit of fatty acids to help slow the spike of blood sugar from the caffeine. While it will still most likely contain some of the additives listed above, it doesn’t have the same toxic load as oat milk since it won’t have nearly as high of a glyphosate component. Nut milks in general will have a similar effect, just w/ a less beneficial fatty acid profile.⁣


🐮 Organic Cow’s Milk- Breve, full fat or 2% milk, depending on your fatty acid needs, will provide a much more balanced macronutrient ratio allowing for more stable blood sugar and helping you to hit your protein goals.⁣


🥛 Raw milk - While this may be hard to find outside of the home, raw milk is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet + can supply your body w/ plenty of nourishing vitamins + minerals. Not to mention, it’s much easier on your digestive system- a great option for people who don’t tolerate dairy well. Find your local raw milk dealer at⁣

I’m not saying there’s no room for oat milk in a healthy diet, but I certainly wouldn’t be adding it to my daily latte.⁣

Here some ways that you can incorporate it in a more supportive way:

  1. Drink only with protein-filled meal

  2. Don't consume on an empty stomach

  3. Choose organic whenever possible

Whats in your ☕️? Tell me below!


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