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5 Reasons You Should Be Meditating + How To Do It Without Making Your Skin Crawl

We’ve all heard by now that meditation can be beneficial for our health and well-being, but you might be fascinated to learn just how impactful it can actually be…⁣

However, if you’re anything like me when I first started out, you likely struggle to sit still + silence the mind for longer than 30 seconds so you quit before you even get started. (If that’s you too, read on for my favorite tips.)⁣

Why You Should Be Meditating

01. Brainwave Changes

During meditation, the brain shifts into different states- alpha, theta, and sometimes even gamma waves, associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and heightened awareness.⁣

02. Health Benefits

Studies show that regular meditation can lead to reduced stress, improved immune function, lower blood pressure, and even reversed aging at the cellular level.⁣

03. Enhanced Focus + Attention

Shown to improve concentration and attention span, leading to better performance in tasks requiring mental focus.⁣

04. Maharishi Effect

Research has shown correlations between group meditation and decreases in crime rates in certain areas. Meditation 🤝 World Peace ⁣

05. Neuroplasticity

Regular meditation can lead to long-term improvements in cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.⁣

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… Sounds good, right?!⁣

But what about when your skin crawls the second you sit down to do the dang thing?⁣

Here’s my favorite tips for sinking into meditation without all the discomfort:

01. Moving Meditation

Yoga, mindfulness walks, bike rides outdoors, lifting heavy sh*t… anything that takes you out of your head and into the present moment where you can connect to your breath aka your life force. ⁣

02. Breathing Techniques

4-7-8 Breathing or Box Breathing are two of my favorites. It’s difficult for your mind to race while you’re counting and laser focused on your breathing.⁣

03. Guided Meditation

Sometimes you just need to listen to something else to get out of your own head. Guided meditations are a great way to calm body + mind without any of the effort.⁣ Do it in the bath or shower for added benefit.

Ways To Work Together:

  1. Freebies + Resources: Solid information starter pack to begin your health journey

  2. Balancing Blood Sugar Mini-Course: The first step to healing your health + hormones

  3. Healthy + Happy Method: My signature 6 week self-guided course to balance energy, mood + hormones.

  4. Direct, One-on-One Support: From single consultations to 12 week programs, receive accountability, education + support along with custom protocols + recommendations.