5 Reasons You Should Be Meditating + How To Do It Without Making Your Skin Crawl
We’ve all heard by now that meditation can be beneficial for our health and well-being, but you might be fascinated to learn just how impactful it can actually be…
However, if you’re anything like me when I first started out, you likely struggle to sit still + silence the mind for longer than 30 seconds so you quit before you even get started. (If that’s you too, read on for my favorite tips.)
Why You Should Be Meditating
01. Brainwave Changes
During meditation, the brain shifts into different states- alpha, theta, and sometimes even gamma waves, associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and heightened awareness.
02. Health Benefits
Studies show that regular meditation can lead to reduced stress, improved immune function, lower blood pressure, and even reversed aging at the cellular level.
03. Enhanced Focus + Attention
Shown to improve concentration and attention span, leading to better performance in tasks requiring mental focus.
04. Maharishi Effect
Research has shown correlations between group meditation and decreases in crime rates in certain areas. Meditation 🤝 World Peace
05. Neuroplasticity
Regular meditation can lead to long-term improvements in cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.
… Sounds good, right?!
But what about when your skin crawls the second you sit down to do the dang thing?
Here’s my favorite tips for sinking into meditation without all the discomfort:
01. Moving Meditation
Yoga, mindfulness walks, bike rides outdoors, lifting heavy sh*t… anything that takes you out of your head and into the present moment where you can connect to your breath aka your life force.
02. Breathing Techniques
4-7-8 Breathing or Box Breathing are two of my favorites. It’s difficult for your mind to race while you’re counting and laser focused on your breathing.
03. Guided Meditation
Sometimes you just need to listen to something else to get out of your own head. Guided meditations are a great way to calm body + mind without any of the effort. Do it in the bath or shower for added benefit.
Ways To Work Together:
Freebies + Resources: Solid information starter pack to begin your health journey
Balancing Blood Sugar Mini-Course: The first step to healing your health + hormones
Healthy + Happy Method: My signature 6 week self-guided course to balance energy, mood + hormones.
Direct, One-on-One Support: From single consultations to 12 week programs, receive accountability, education + support along with custom protocols + recommendations.