Work With Me
If you’re struggling with your metabolism, hormones + energy, and you’re ready to try a holistic approach - you’ve come to the right place!
Work Together One-on-One
12 Week VIP 1:1 Coaching
For those who have tried it all and still don’t have the answers - this is a 90-day online one-on-one holistic health coaching container for women needing the personalized education, support + accountability to reach their goals. We’ll work together every week for 12 weeks to get to the root cause of your issues to heal + prevent health issues naturally. By assessing your food journals, weekly progress, challenges + wins, we’ll come up with a personalized protocol to suit your life in the season you’re in!
90 Minute Health Consultation w/ HTMA Test
Are you looking for guidance on where to start when it comes to your health journey, but don’t want the commitment of a program? If you’re the DIY type that just needs the direction to hit the ground running, then this is for you. In this 90 minute call, we will discuss your symptoms, goals and work through a food journal + Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test results to figure out a custom protocol just for you.
Feeling Testy?
Learn how to balance your body chemistry with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
A HTMA reveals unique metabolic information; intracellular activity which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development (3-6mos), highlighting mineral imbalances as well as areas of toxicity.
Let’s figure out the best fit for your needs!
Struggling to know where to start or what to do? Let’s chat about your situation so I can point you in the right direction!
Looking for a quick energy reboot?
Get the guidance you need to begin your journey of healing without the commitment of a program.
The Balancing Blood Sugar mini-course will transform the way that you approach food, weight + energy and empower you to have your cake + eat it too!
By joining this mini-course, you will:
✔️ Learn proven strategies that will bring your energy and hormones back into balance.
✔️ Have access to a library of resources, including easy to follow videos and a sample meal plan + snack ideas.
✔️ Learn how metabolism works and what you can do to support it!
✔️ Plus, a special offer to receive continued support.