The deadly mistake you’re making in your health journey... ☠️⁣

Feeling bloated, rarely pooping, feeling sluggish and moody, getting headaches, craving another cup of coffee or afternoon sugar fix & not seeing the results you want??? 😵⁣

There’s one crucial nutrient that you’re simply not getting enough of... WATER💧⁣


Now before you write this off bc you drink a “ton of water,” let me ask you a few questions… (DON’T LIE)⁣

- Do you drink coffee/tea/energy drinks/soda/juices?⁣

- Do you take prescriptions?⁣

- Do you smoke? (Yes- weed counts, even edibles)⁣

- How much are you working out?⁣

- Are you peeing all day long?⁣

- How much do you weigh?⁣

Did you know that all of this affects the amount of water you should be drinking in a day? 🤯

Here’s why this is so IMPORTANT:

  1. Our body’s require water to transport oxygen and nutrients to our cells… think ENERGY! ⚡️

  2. We expel a bunch of water in normal physiological functions: breathing, sweating, digesting, moving, etc. 🌬

  3. When we consume diuretics (coffee/tea, alcohol, soda, fruit juices, prescription drugs, etc…) our body flushes the water out of our body to help remove toxins. ☕️ (This is why clear pee isn’t the best way to measure your hydration.) 

  4. This is our BEST protection against infections and diseases. (Looking at you, COVID) 🦠

So how can we ensure we’re actually hydrating our body properly???

Let me introduce you to this simple way to calculate the right amount of water FOR YOUR BODY… ⁣


- Ounces of caffeine you consume ✖️1.5 = ⁣

- Ounces of alcohol you drink ✖️1.5 = ⁣

- How much you weigh➗ 2 = ⁣

Now add that all together + more if you are working out and/or smoking. ⁣⁣

📈 That is the minimum amount of ounces of hydrating fluids you should be drinking in a day to stay hydrated. ⁣

For example:⁣
If I weigh 125 lbs, I drink 20 oz of coffee and 8 oz of tea each day, I should be drinking a MINIMUM of 105oz of mineral-rich water or other hydrating fluids per day— not including the amount of exercise I do or my extra-curricular activities. 😜⁣

If you aren’t drinking a minimum of this 👆🏼amount in hydrating fluids everyday...⁣

Your body could be shutting down on you. ⁣

If you suffer from chronic:⁣

- Headaches⁣

- Migraines⁣

- Constipation/Diarrhea ⁣

- Bloating⁣

- Rashes⁣

- Fatigue ⁣

- Brain Fog⁣

⁣… This needs to be your first step! ⁣

But Lauren, I don’t have time to drink more water because I just pee all day long. 👀

I gotchu. What you’re lacking in this case are electrolytes to help your cells ABSORB the water you’re giving it. Try adding a pinch of unrefined sea salt (not table salt) or an electrolyte solution (LMNT is my fave!) to your water and see how you feel. 🧂

Try it out for a week and report back. 💦

Want some hydrating bevie ideas beyond boring plain water? TRY THIS. 🍹


Ways To Work Together:

  1. Freebies + Resources: Solid information starter pack to begin your health journey.

  2. Balancing Blood Sugar Mini-Course: The first step to healing your health + hormones.

  3. Healthy + Happy Method: My signature 6 week self-guided course to balance energy, mood + hormones.

  4. Direct, One-on-One Support: From single consultations to 12 week programs, receive accountability, education + support along with custom protocols + recommendations.


My, magic pill, my secret weapon… my happy place.⁣


My #1 trick to get healthy, lose body fat and boost your energy + immunity...⁣