My #1 trick to get healthy, lose body fat and boost your energy + immunity...
Crowd your diet with WHOLE FOODS 🥑
(no, not the grocery store)
... it’s that simple.
Whole foods are loaded with macro + micro nutrients you need to stay healthy, feel satisfied + properly fuel your body.
On the other hand, manufacturing foods into snacks + meals-in-a-box, degrades you’re food
... removing crucial vitamins + minerals in the process.
And then they “fortify” it with fake versions of these nutrients so you think they’re healthy.
📰 News flash: they aren’t. 📰
Here’s a fun little quiz to see if you are eating whole foods...
✖️Can’t pronounce it? … Don’t eat it.
✖️Don’t know what it is? … Don’t eat it.
✖️Wasn’t here 10k yrs ago?… Don’t eat it.
✖️Did it come from a box? ... Don’t eat it.
✖️Does it have an ingredients list? ... Don’t eat it.
Or at least eat it as minimally as possible.
🔊 (Tip: You can’t reach for the Doritos if they aren’t in your cupboard.)
Ways To Work Together:
Freebies + Resources: Solid information starter pack to begin your health journey.
Balancing Blood Sugar Mini-Course: The first step to healing your health + hormones.
Healthy + Happy Method: My signature 6 week self-guided course to balance energy, mood + hormones.
Direct, One-on-One Support: From single consultations to 12 week programs, receive accountability, education + support along with custom protocols + recommendations.